Ihr Name
Ihr Slogan

You have a solution, but it doesn't fit the problem? Learn to overcome all difficulties!

Contract training for professional drivers


You always ask yourself what you want to be. But it is so easy to decide what you want. More and more haulage and transport companies are realizing that they can only retain the employees of tomorrow if they take responsibility for training themselves. Not every company has the necessary resources to cover all the training content that is a prerequisite for training suitability. We offer contract training for such companies. The trainee professional driver is sent to us for certain sections. This is currently eligible for funding through the Deminis program.

From seminars lasting several weeks to coordinated periods. Agree with us for which training sections and for how long the trainee will learn outside their regular company. We also take care of the C/CE driving license.

This form of support makes a practical contribution to improving training. "Regardless of the profession: as soon as training takes place in a network, this can lead to a significant increase in quality, says Margrit Zauner, Head of Department II D of the Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs in Berlin.

And we support this with our staff, who are trained in logistical and didactic skills so that they can also help trainees who have deficits.


Please ask for a presentation of the concept in your company directly on +49 2742 9591 981

Accelerated basic qualification


The accelerated basic qualification is just such an additional form of training that every driver who wants to work in commercial freight transport must acquire.
This authorization for commercial driving in freight transport is obtained through successful participation in the accelerated basic qualification. This training with us comprises a total of 140 teaching units of theoretical and practical training. Participation is completed by a written examination before the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. You should be able to speak and write German, as there is no option to take this examination in a foreign language.

You will receive the certificate (IHK) for the successfully completed examination and can then use this certificate to convert it into a driver qualification certificate (formerly the "code number 95" in your driver's license) at your driver's license office.

From the content: - Representing your own company - Maintaining and servicing commercial vehicles - Loading goods

- Checking the operational readiness of the engine and electrical system - Planning and carrying out routes and tours for domestic destinations - Using the drive train, checking the chassis and wheels - Checking the function of the braking system - Order-optimized transport process - Planning and carrying out routes and tours for foreign destinations - Using KOM in scheduled and occasional transport - Loading special goods - Using and operating electronic devices and more.

Please contact us directly on +49 2742 9591 981 for available dates and booking details.


Forklift truck driver training and further training


- >Annual instruction on the forklift truck - according to DGUV
- >One day - refresher course on forklift truck skills - experience was available, but had not been carried out for a long time. Further training takes place here, which provides >up-to-date knowledge and legal bases.
- Two days - Would you like to acquire a new forklift license? Then this is the right place for you. The first day teaches the theoretical legal basis with an examination in accordance with DGUV. On the second day, practical knowledge is also tested at the end of the day.

- Three days - Would you like to acquire a new forklift license, but need a longer period of time to understand the >technical terms correctly? We take our time! The first two days are spent translating the theoretical knowledge into German. The three-day training is usually identical to the two-day training.

The seminars can also be held in-house at your premises and tailored to your processes.

Please inquire about available dates and booking details directly on +49 2742 9591 981.

Further training according to BKrFQG and BKrFQV (module training)


Most people are familiar with the situation: you have finished your module training and now you have 5 years to complete it. But how quickly do the years go by?
KB 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3a - Economical driving - knowledge in areas such as the kinematic chain, technical features and operation of safety equipment, optimization of fuel consumption, etc.
KB 1.4 - Load securing - ability to ensure the safety of the load
KB 2.1 - Social regulations - knowledge of the social legal framework
KB 2.2 - Law/documents - knowledge of road haulage regulations

KB 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 - Safety/ positive image - health, traffic and environmental safety, service, logistics

The training courses can be booked individually or as a whole.

Please inquire about available dates and booking details directly on +49 2742 9591 981.


Load securing VDI 2700


If you have the opportunity to avoid fines, then you should use it! The load must always be stowed and secured in the area of road traffic and work safety in such a way that it cannot slip, fall over, roll backwards or forwards or fall down in the event of sudden changes of direction or braking of any kind. Noise must also be avoided. The recognized rules of technology must be observed.

This requires knowledge of the state of the art. We advise whether you are a novice or a professional. From a mixture of occupational safety and road traffic, we point out legal requirements, types of securing using practical examples; up to the consequences that may arise.

The seminars can also be held in-house at your premises and tailored to your processes.

Please contact us directly on +49 2742 9591 981 for available dates and booking details.


Digital tachograph user training

Regular checks should be carried out to ensure that drivers are using the tachograph properly [see Art. 33 I p. 1 2nd HS of Regulation (EU) No. 165/2014].
If complaints are identified during such checks, it is likely that employees will need to be trained again on an ad hoc basis. As with similar instruction obligations on the part of the employer, the instruction must be carried out and documented in accordance with German occupational health and safety/accident prevention law in accordance with Section 4 of Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), if necessary, several times, but at least once a year.

Please inquire about available dates and booking details directly on +49 2742 9591 981.

 Environmental protection starts with thinking ...


Everyone has a goal in mind. Maximum environmental protection with simple habits!

The following thoughts should first be considered as a factual basis:
As of March 12, 2020: There are 7.77 billion people in the world with a forecast for 2050: 9.74 billion people Source: German Foundation for World Population

The amount of waste generated by 7.6 billion people was 2 billion tons per year. Source: sensoneo.com This corresponds to a daily waste volume of 104 kg per capita, excluding industrial and other waste.

Based on these facts, perhaps the fate of the planet depends on the thinking of each individual. We don't want to stir up fears, but waste generation, recovery, recycling and disposal must be thought through from start to finish. For interested companies, we offer support in the conceptualization of waste through to the commissioning of the waste management officer in accordance with KWG §56. EfB commissioning is also part of the offer.

This form of support makes a practical contribution to improving the waste situation. And if we do not take care of this with the necessary attention, we will deprive ourselves of our basis for survival, even if this sounds very full-bodied.

Please ask for a presentation of the concept in your company directly on +49 2742 9591 981.
